User feedback in AidStream

A month ago, on April 8th, I helped a group of Dutch NGOs get to grips with AidStream, as part of the Partos IATI programme. As always, it’s very informative to see unsuspecting users try to make sense of a new tool. It resulted in a list of observations, often easy fixes, that can make […]

Roads to results in IATI

Last week, at the Partos event for IATI implementation by Dutch NGOs, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that publishing data in IATI format would be part of the upcoming funding regime. That immediately led to many questions on how to publish, especially with respect to results of activities. Some of my reflections IATI […]

Can you #IATI that for me? (2)

The IATI Standard lets you publish information on your organisation’s activities and money flows. But how would you write something in IATI? The first case already showed different ways to do things. Here’s the second case, coming from an AidStream workshop with NGOs in the Partos IATI programme. Our organisation, called Us, is going to publish data in […]

Can you #IATI that for me? (1)

The IATI Standard lets you publish information on your organisation’s activities and money flows. But how exactly would you write something in IATI? That doesn’t always seem obvious, and certainly not for someone new to the XML standard. This is the first of a series of sketches of situations that I encounter (or envision), with […]

Using IATI for your NGO

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) provides a standard for the exchange of information on activities, budgets and results. More and more NGOs are embracing the standard as well, and in The Netherlands, civil society is actively working with IATI: Cordaid just released their data, and organised a public “Data Journey” event to show what […]

Dutch development data and results online

Today, Ben Knapen, the Dutch State Secretary for development cooperation, presented the  “Resultatenrapportage”, the “reporting of results” on Dutch efforts in development aid in the period 2009-2010 . He used the occassion to also present the first…

Aid Transparency Barcamp Nepal on August 4th

Aid Transparency Barcamp Nepal, run jointly by YoungInnovationPvt. Ltd and aidinfo, is a conference to raise the awareness of the foreign aid scenario in Nepal. It intends to create a platform to initiate conversations and connections on the effective…

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