Can IATI benefit from XBRL’s experiences?

Over the last weeks, I started exploring XBRL, the eXtensible Business Reporting Language. Its purpose is “to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance globally, by providing the open data exchange standard for business reporting.” There are clear parallels with IATI, the International Aid Transparency Initiative, the open data exchange standard for development and […]

XML, the hidden technology behind IATI and a lot more

Last week I attended the XML Prague conference: 3 days of workshops and presentations about XML technology and tools that are widely used, but mostly invisible. XML is everywhere: your Word and Excel files contain XML to capture your words and figures. Banks exchange information using XML messages. Electronic invoicing is based on XML. Statistical […]

The new IATI Validator is open for public testing

Het bericht The new IATI Validator is open for public testing verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

Partos workshop on working with results in IATI

In 2016, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced public IATI data as a replacement for quarterly progress reports for their grantees1, and so dozen of (mainly Dutch) organisations have started integrating IATI into their internal management information processes, and worked on ways to include the results of their projects in the data they publish. […]

Can we find out in IATI who is responding to ‘Matthew’?

At the end of IODC16, Roderick Besseling of Cordaid asked me a simple question: hurricane Matthew has hit Haiti, with well over 800 casualties reported already. Can we see in the IATI data which humanitarian responses have been started? Can we make that data available on HDX, the Humanitarian Data Exchange? Sure, I thought, with […]

IATI at the Accountability Hack

Yesterday I attended the first Accountability Hack in The Netherlands, at the Court of Audit in The Hague. With a bit more than a week to go before the official publication of the government budget of 2017 (already leaked to the press the day before the #AccHack), and an election year coming up, it’s a […]

Traceability and Linking in IATI Data

Today I had the privilege to present at the “Big and Open Data for International Development Workshop” at the Centre for Development Informatics of the University of Manchester. In my abstract, I anticipated deep research into traceability of activities in IATI data. We’ve certainly made great strides, and, as one participant of our IATI Learning Workshop […]

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