Around the web in recent months

photo: "Spider and web", Dwight Sipler (cc-by 2009)Fundstücke published this week:

Around the web in week 48, 2012

photo: "Spider and web", Dwight Sipler (cc-by 2009)Fundstücke published this week:

Around the web in week 47, 2012

photo: "Spider and web", Dwight Sipler (cc-by 2009)Fundstücke published this week:

Around the web in week 46, 2012

photo: "Spider and web", Dwight Sipler (cc-by 2009)Fundstücke published this week:

Open Tea last Friday

We’ve organised another Open Tea, last Friday at the Vrije Universiteit, with updates, two presentations, and networking drinks, kindly hosted by CIS-VU, the Centre for International Cooperation at the VU University in Amsterdam.

Victor de Boer and Anna Bon helped make this possible, and Victor wrote a blog post about it. And Araz Najarian of Connective Age wrote up a summary of the presentations, including a link to a with co-presenter Nana Baah Gyan video demonstrating RadioMarché.

If you want to join our next Open Tea, make sure you’re on our mailing list and get the announcement in time!

Engineering 1984

While catching up with the nettime mailing list, I came across two articles that give me the creeps. Microsoft filed patents for a ‘consumer detector’, to let your Xbox or TV decoder detect who is watching, and if the audience is not deemed suitable, to stop playback. Apple received a patent that lets the police […]

Around the web in week 44

Early 2009, I started using Friendfeed as a way to aggregate various sources of web links to share. August that year, Facebook bought FriendFeed, ripped out the innovators, and left the site to bleed to death. (I’m sure it felt less dramatic to the fine folks who built it.) I’ve had a nagging feeling since, […]

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