Your neighbor in Amsterdam

I feel privileged to enjoy another NetSquared rollercoaster ride of fun for good!

Facilitate or help?

I’ve tried to find projects that truely put the “local agenda” of the end user at the heart of their work. “Facilitator projects” that are not becoming a stakeholder, but a means to a (local) end. Giving people tools to improve their own situation in their own way, extra opportunities to be effective with their energy and ambitions.

Some of my favourites:

Track your MP (UK)

An interesting set of sites in the UK, volunteer-run, to keep track of Parliament. TheyWorkForYou lets you check who your MP is, based on postcode: voting record, topics they’re interested in, and "performance" like participation in debates, recent appearances, responsiveness…

NetSquared Online Sessions

I am in San Jose now, just a few hours away from the opening reception of NetSquared, probably the biggest "Web 2.0" conference I will be attending for a while, with some 350 participants expected. Many many interesting talks and sessions proposed, including a parallel online event, with two important items.

Conference schedule as Google Calendar

Following the example of Michael Heilemann for Reboot8, I created a public Google calendar based on the schedule of the website. Available as XML and as iCAL.

More Firefox

With the version 1.0PR of Firefox, two more noteworthy extensions have popped up!


Sits quietly in the status bar, and offers an "eye dropper" style colour picker, with the option to copy the selected colour to the clipboard ready to be pasted into a stylesheet. It also offers a better zoom function. Facilitates re-creating a site look and feel!


Firefox essential extensions

After using Firefox for a while, it’s hard to imagine still how "normal people" surf the web. By now, I tweaked my Firefox behaviour with several extensions.
Webdeveloper toolbar
Essential for developing web pages! The toolbar offers too many options to list all, but to name a few that I would not live without anymore:

  • CSS tools: edit the style sheet of a page on the spot, great for testing and debugging. Mark links as visited or unvisited to test styles here too.
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