the Wordpress ActivityPub plugin page

Adding my site to the Fediverse

Thanks to the renewed interest in actual social media, rather than an algorithm-driven advertisement space, I find myself having interesting online conversations again. I really wanted to use my own website and domain for further engagement. But… experience with earlier attempts at federating networks made me cautious. Setting up and maintaining my own Jabber/XMPP and […]

The new IATI Validator is open for public testing

Het bericht The new IATI Validator is open for public testing verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

The new official IATI Validator

Het bericht The new official IATI Validator verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

Partos workshop on working with results in IATI

In 2016, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced public IATI data as a replacement for quarterly progress reports for their grantees1, and so dozen of (mainly Dutch) organisations have started integrating IATI into their internal management information processes, and worked on ways to include the results of their projects in the data they publish. […]

Examining structures in IATI (2)

I’m some two months into exploring traceability in IATI data, spending free hours (days…) on developing tools to do more. In April, the Strategic Partnerships funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs are expected to publish their first data, so that’s a good chance to see how well they managed to tie all their […]

Examining structures in IATI

Dozens of new organisations are getting ready to publish IATI data: the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it a requirement for the grantees in the strategic partnerships programme on lobby and advocacy that started this year. The Ministry has published their guidelines on how to create a useful IATI data set, and part of […]

Cooking with IATI data

Imagine: you’ve produced your first data file using the IATI Standard: your organisation’s activities, partner organisations, budgets and results are neatly represented in an XML file. But before you publish that file, you’d like to show it to your team and colleagues and get feedback. XML will not get them very excited.

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