Traceability and Linking in IATI Data

Today I had the privilege to present at the “Big and Open Data for International Development Workshop” at the Centre for Development Informatics of the University of Manchester. In my abstract, I anticipated deep research into traceability of activities in IATI data. We’ve certainly made great strides, and, as one participant of our IATI Learning Workshop […]

IATI Traceability in the Health Systems Advocacy Partnership

By now, most of the Strategic Partnerships in the Dialogue and Dissent programme have published their first data sets in the IATI Standard. This is the start of mandatory publishing of data to replace written progress reports, and, as the Partnership programmes are also just starting up, allows everyone to first focus on traceability. The […]

Learning Workshop: what’s next in open data & IATI publishing?

Publishing data in the IATI format can help organisations and their stakeholders get a better grip on the quality of their information and on their impact. Organisations in a Strategic Partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to publish their first data sets before May 1st. How did the process go, and what […]

Examining structures in IATI (2)

I’m some two months into exploring traceability in IATI data, spending free hours (days…) on developing tools to do more. In April, the Strategic Partnerships funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs are expected to publish their first data, so that’s a good chance to see how well they managed to tie all their […]

Examining structures in IATI

Dozens of new organisations are getting ready to publish IATI data: the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it a requirement for the grantees in the strategic partnerships programme on lobby and advocacy that started this year. The Ministry has published their guidelines on how to create a useful IATI data set, and part of […]

Development Data: One Step Beyond

Today, Open Development Camp is happening again. I’m part of a panel: In the last five years much emphasis has been put on the publication of open development data. How useful has this effort been? What have we learned so far? and Which insights did we gain? Theo van de Sande (The Netherlands Ministry of […]

Results in IATI? Or observations? Or sources?

The IATI Technical Advisory Group is kicking off, and one discussion I’m looking forward to is on how to publish “results”. There are proposals by Herb Caudil of DevResults (1, 2) and earlier reflections by Bill Anderson (1). Herb’s proposals are good: we need indicator references (or even URIs), and it makes sense to have […]

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