Around the web, again: interesting events

Looking forward to some interesting upcoming events: HackMIT, Partos Innovation Festival, Declarative Amsterdam

The new IATI Validator is open for public testing

Het bericht The new IATI Validator is open for public testing verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

The state of open data in the development sector

For completeness, I copied my post from the Data4Development site: The State of Open Data (Davies et al., 2019) is an extensive report about “all things open data”. Chapter 5 deals with open data for development assistance and humanitarian action, and highlights the crucial chicken-and-egg problem we see as well: Lack of investment in data […]

Development Data: One Step Beyond

Today, Open Development Camp is happening again. I’m part of a panel: In the last five years much emphasis has been put on the publication of open development data. How useful has this effort been? What have we learned so far? and Which insights did we gain? Theo van de Sande (The Netherlands Ministry of […]

Results in IATI? Or observations? Or sources?

The IATI Technical Advisory Group is kicking off, and one discussion I’m looking forward to is on how to publish “results”. There are proposals by Herb Caudil of DevResults (1, 2) and earlier reflections by Bill Anderson (1). Herb’s proposals are good: we need indicator references (or even URIs), and it makes sense to have […]

Cooking with IATI data

Imagine: you’ve produced your first data file using the IATI Standard: your organisation’s activities, partner organisations, budgets and results are neatly represented in an XML file. But before you publish that file, you’d like to show it to your team and colleagues and get feedback. XML will not get them very excited.

What is open development?

Next week, October 9 and 10, we’ll be hosting Open Development Camp at De Balie in Amsterdam. The first question often is: “what is open development?” It is rooted in international development cooperation, in simpler terms often (wrongly) called aid.

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