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Adding my site to the Fediverse

Thanks to the renewed interest in actual social media, rather than an algorithm-driven advertisement space, I find myself having interesting online conversations again. I really wanted to use my own website and domain for further engagement. But… experience with earlier attempts at federating networks made me cautious. Setting up and maintaining my own Jabber/XMPP and […]

FOSDEM 2021 banner


Can IATI benefit from XBRL’s experiences?

Over the last weeks, I started exploring XBRL, the eXtensible Business Reporting Language. Its purpose is “to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance globally, by providing the open data exchange standard for business reporting.” There are clear parallels with IATI, the International Aid Transparency Initiative, the open data exchange standard for development and […]

Around the web, again: interesting events

Looking forward to some interesting upcoming events: HackMIT, Partos Innovation Festival, Declarative Amsterdam

The new IATI Validator is open for public testing

Het bericht The new IATI Validator is open for public testing verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

The new official IATI Validator

Het bericht The new official IATI Validator verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

The state of open data in the development sector

For completeness, I copied my post from the Data4Development site: The State of Open Data (Davies et al., 2019) is an extensive report about “all things open data”. Chapter 5 deals with open data for development assistance and humanitarian action, and highlights the crucial chicken-and-egg problem we see as well: Lack of investment in data […]

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