Examining structures in IATI

Dozens of new organisations are getting ready to publish IATI data: the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it a requirement for the grantees in the strategic partnerships programme on lobby and advocacy that started this year. The Ministry has published their guidelines on how to create a useful IATI data set, and part of […]

Active versus passive DisplayPort adapters

A while ago I bought a new laptop, and it has a mini DisplayPort to connect to a monitor. The mini DisplayPort rose to fame thanks to Apple users: when doing a presentation they always ask “does anyone have a spare adapter so I can connect to the projector?”. I’m one of those people now: […]

Using IATI for your NGO

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) provides a standard for the exchange of information on activities, budgets and results. More and more NGOs are embracing the standard as well, and in The Netherlands, civil society is actively working with IATI: Cordaid just released their data, and organised a public “Data Journey” event to show what […]

Pivotal Tracker overview

Pivotal Tracker is a great agile planning tool for “projects with issues”. But checking the various projects I participate in, just to see what we’re all working on, was a hassle. I wanted to have a quick overview: a list of the projects I’m involved in, and the current “stories” we’re working on in each […]

New publication: business intelligence in the aid sector

Announing a new publication: “An Information Platform for Business Intelligence in the Aid Sector based on Open Data and Documents; Integrated Access to structured and unstructured data using the document-oriented database CouchDB”, by Michiel Kuijper…

Denying service to my own mail server

We had some intermittent problems recently with a mail server not being available. As it turns out, I basically was doing a “denial of service” attack on my own mail server, thanks to some caveats in how IMAP, push notifications, and my mobile email client, K9 work together. The problem One of the mail servers […]

Deploying a website with lftp

There still are web hosting providers offering only ftp access to your website files. No fun if you’re used to version control systems and shell access. I had to deal with that situation, and used Linux’s strength: combining several small tools.

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