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Adding my site to the Fediverse

Thanks to the renewed interest in actual social media, rather than an algorithm-driven advertisement space, I find myself having interesting online conversations again. I really wanted to use my own website and domain for further engagement. But… experience with earlier attempts at federating networks made me cautious. Setting up and maintaining my own Jabber/XMPP and […]

FOSDEM 2021 banner


XML, the hidden technology behind IATI and a lot more

Last week I attended the XML Prague conference: 3 days of workshops and presentations about XML technology and tools that are widely used, but mostly invisible. XML is everywhere: your Word and Excel files contain XML to capture your words and figures. Banks exchange information using XML messages. Electronic invoicing is based on XML. Statistical […]

The new official IATI Validator

Het bericht The new official IATI Validator verscheen eerst op Data4Development.

Can we find out in IATI who is responding to ‘Matthew’?

At the end of IODC16, Roderick Besseling of Cordaid asked me a simple question: hurricane Matthew has hit Haiti, with well over 800 casualties reported already. Can we see in the IATI data which humanitarian responses have been started? Can we make that data available on HDX, the Humanitarian Data Exchange? Sure, I thought, with […]

IATI Traceability in the Health Systems Advocacy Partnership

By now, most of the Strategic Partnerships in the Dialogue and Dissent programme have published their first data sets in the IATI Standard. This is the start of mandatory publishing of data to replace written progress reports, and, as the Partnership programmes are also just starting up, allows everyone to first focus on traceability. The […]

Examining structures in IATI (2)

I’m some two months into exploring traceability in IATI data, spending free hours (days…) on developing tools to do more. In April, the Strategic Partnerships funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs are expected to publish their first data, so that’s a good chance to see how well they managed to tie all their […]

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