A Phone that Knows Where You’re Going

A Phone that Knows Where You’re Going: The potential of Big Data and why it is scary to have companies and governments collecting it…

In a study on 200 people willing to be tracked, the system was, on average, less than 20 meters off when it predict…

Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: A Case Study of the United States of America

Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: A Case Study of the United States of America: Interesting article. The “usual talk” about eradicating extreme poverty, but applied to an unusual suspect: the US.

Extreme poverty, defined as a composite of income p…

Persistent myths about open access scientific publishing. Dr Mike Taylor in The Guardian

Persistent myths about open access scientific publishing. Dr Mike Taylor in The Guardian:
For Elsevier, the biggest of the barrier-based publishers, we can calculate the total cost per article as £1,605m subscription revenue divided by 240,000 articl…

in Foreign Policy: Pictures at a Revolution

in Foreign Policy:
Pictures at a Revolution Data visualization can offer some unique insights into social upheaval. But the data artists are just getting started.

The World Bank is taking next steps in making sharing and re-use…

The World Bank is taking next steps in making sharing and re-use of data and information easier, by adopting an open access policy (in July) and starting an Open Knowledge Repository

Around the web in week 08, 2012

Fundstücke published this week:

A Critical Look at Decentralized Personal Data Architectures21 Feb 2012, Arvind NarayananI have a new paper with the above title, currently under peer review, with Vincent Toubiana, Solon B…

Captchas and crowdsourcing

What if… you can help 100 million people to learn a new language, and let them help translate the web in return?
TEDxCMU — Luis von Ahn — Duolingo: The Next Chapter in Human Computation (by TEDxTalks)

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