Webmaster spam

It’s heart-warming to get emails from people who read one of my blog posts of over a decade ago, and took the effort to write to me that their product is missing, or that they have a nice post about something too.

Could you mention it in your article as an extra and fresh resource? It will give your readers some more useful information plus it should help you get even more engagement with your post.

A win-win!

But wait, why is there an “unsubscibe” link under your message?

You could also just add a comment to mention your favourite link and even get credit for being so helpful. The way we did blogging back in the day, having conversations.

That works well for humans.

A bit less so for robots.

It’s heart-warming that the spam filter of my blog is effectively keeping these robots out.

Hopefully the spam filter of my mail will learn the trick soon too!

You already linked to this page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…) – and our resource is much more in depth and up to date, so should be some good extra info for your readers (it even has an unbiased comparison of the major software solutions available).

Just register for an account at Wikipedia and add your unbiased information there, I’m sure you’ll get more exposure there than on an old blog post here 😉

In the meantime, I’ll write up some more fresh content about adventures in IATI!


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