As a first post… One of the obvious things is to use the Treo as a voice recorder. It takes a firmware upgrade to make that possible, but then there is a choice of software to use.
- "Personal Audio Recorder" is available in basic and pro versions ($15, $23) at
- Audacity has a whole range of software, for instance a "basic" version for $50.
- The really basic one I’m using right now is the free SoundRec from InfinityBall
All of them record to .wav files, all of them can record directly to the SD Card, all of them allow for different quality levels of recording. As of yet, I don’t need a lot of fancy things, so SoundRec is perfect. Main drawback is that it’s not possible to even check the length of a recording. But as a simple (and free) "sound input tool" it matches my needs.